• SysZoneGrowable flag tells if the system heap can dynamically change its size.
• LaunchCanReturn flag tells if the _Launch trap allows an application to continue running after launching another application.
• LaunchFullFileSpec flag tells if the _Launch trap supports control flags and other parameters.
• LaunchControl flag tells if the Process Manager is available.
• TempMemSupport flag tells if the temporary memory routines can be used.
• RealTempMemory flag tells if the temporary memory blocks are managed by the Memory Manager (true with System 7, false with System 6).
• TempMemTracked flag tells if some temporary memory can be allocated for an indeterminated duration (with System 6, it must be freed before the next WaitNextEvent call).
• IPCSupport flag tells if the Inter Process Communication is present.
• SysDebuggerSupport flag tells if the system debugger is supported.
• SkiaGlobalsSwitched flag tells that QD GX Globals are switched.
• BgndMouseDownSupport flag tells if a Process Mgr routine is available to indicate if a layer switch is wanted by the application when one of its windows is clicked while in the background.